If APPL_TOP = /u01/apps/apps_st/appl, the main env file that shall be included in .profile (on Linux server) is
. /u01/apps/apps_st/appl/APPS< CONTEXT_NAME >.env
It calls three files:
. $APPL_TOP/custom< CONTEXT_NAME >.env (if there is one)
In database server, there is a < CONTEXT_NAME >.env under $ORACLE_HOME.
Area env files:
adovars_< CONTEXT_NAME >.env file
The adovars.env file, located in $APPL_TOP/admin, specifies the location of various files such as
Java files, HTML files, and JRE (Java Runtime Environment) files. The adovars.env file includes commentson the purpose and recommended setting of each variable. In a R12 environment, this file is maintained by AutoConfig, and should not be edited manually. It is called from the main
applications environment file, $APPL_TOP/< CONTEXT_NAME >.env
fndenv.env file
Located in the FND_TOP directory, this file sets additional environment variables used by the Application Object Library. For example, it sets APPLBIN as the name of the subdirectory where product executabl eprograms and shell scripts are stored (bin). This file is called by $APPL_TOP/< CONTEXT_NAME >.env and is maintained by AutoConfig. But, custom env variables can be put in this file by using below format to keep custom variables untouched by AutoConfig:
#Begin Customizations
CUST_TOP=/u01/apps/apps_st/appl/cust; export CUST_TOP
#End Customizations
devenv.env file
This file sets variables for linking third-party software and custom-developed applications with Oracle E-Business Suite, and for allowing you to compile and link custom OracleForms user exits and concurrent programs with Oracle EBS. This script is located in $FND_TOP/usrxit, and is automatically called by fndenv.env.
Other files:
adconfig.txt file
This file stores configuration information when Oracle E-Business Suite is installed. It is for AD utilities to run successfully, and is in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory. AD utility programs perform a variety of database and file management tasks.
dbc file
There is a .dbc file under $FND_SECURE containing various parameters which are responsible for the connection to the database upon receiving a request from Apache Jserv. AutoConfig generates this file after reading variables from $CONTEXT_FILE. See Doc ID 362851.1
default.env for Form
There is a default.env file under $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server for Form applications. If you have custom-developed forms, you can add lines to this file to tell the location for custom form files:
#Begin Customizations
#End Customizations
Note: This file does not define env variables. If the path
is wrong in this file, Oracle EBS will give error:
FRM-40010 Cannot read from
10GiAS home:
To apply patch to or work on 10gAS (10.1.3.X) in EBS R12.1, go to directory $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3 and source the .env file there. Now, the ORACLE_HOME points to a different location (with 10.1.3 in the path), which holds10gAS components, such as Apache/modplsql, oc4j, etc.