Friday, May 1, 2015

How to turn on Debug log on user's session

During troubleshooting on data issue, use below steps in Doc ID 1320736.1 to turn on FND debug log on user's forms session or concurrent requests.

Steps for On-Line processes
  1) From a System Administrator responsibility
       Navigation path: Profile -> System
           a) Set the following profile option at SITE level:
                  FND: Diagnostics -> Yes
           b) Set the following profile options at USER level:
                  FND: Debug Log Module -> %
                  FND: Debug Log Enabled -> Yes
                  FND: Debug Log Level -> Statement

  2) Run the following query to get the starting log sequence(seq1)
           --- ---
           SELECT MAX(log_sequence)
           --- ---
  3) Go to the Payables (or any) responsibility
       Open the involved Forms or run the concurrent job and reproduce the error.

  4) Run the following query again to get the finishing log sequence(seq2)
           --- ---
           SELECT MAX(log_sequence)
           --- ---
  5) Run the following query to generate the log file:
           --- ---
           SELECT module, message_text
           FROM fnd_log_messages
           WHERE log_sequence between &seq1 and &seq2
           ORDER BY log_sequence;
           --- ---
  6) Provide the results in an EXCEL spreadsheet with column headings for readability.

  Notes: If table fnd_log_messages becomes huge, it's safe to just truncate it.
              SQL> truncate table APPLSYS.FND_LOG_MESSAGES;