Thursday, November 17, 2016


When I tried to change apps password by FNDCPASS in R12.1.3, it hang for a while and then the log file shows APP-FND-02704 error.
$ FNDCPASS apps/oldAppsPWD 0 Y system/system_PWD SYSTEM APPLSYS N3WAqt_$EBS
APP-FND-02704: Unable to alter user APPS to change password.

The error does not tell the true cause. The problem in my case is the new password does not meet new rules added by DBA to APPS' profile for password security or single quotes are necessary to make FNDCPASS work with special character in the password.

Below line changes apps password to N3WAqt_$EBS. Note the single quotes.

$ FNDCPASS apps/oldAppsPWD 0 Y system/system_PWD SYSTEM APPLSYS 'N3WAqt_$EBS'

If the system_PWD has special character with it, single quotes are necessary. Otherwise FNDCPASS may not throw out an meaningful error but just does not change apps password.

Also when the password includes $ character, single quotes around it are needed to make sqlplus connection on Linux prompt work. Without it, it will give ORA-01017 error.

$ sqlplus apps/N3WAqt_$EBS
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Nov 17 18:57:12 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Enter user-name:
$ sqlplus apps/'N3WAqt_$EBS'
Connected to: ....

Or, get into sqlplus first and then connect to apps
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> conn apps/N3WAqt_$EBS

If the password does not include $ character, the single quotes are not necessary for sqlplus:

$ FNDCPASS apps/'N3WAqt_$EBS' 0 Y system/system_PWD SYSTEM APPLSYS 'Cr8ze#p0Wd'
$ sqlplus apps/Cr8ze#p0Wd
Connected to: ....

Craze $

Additional notes:
1. FNDCPASS may also give misleading error from changing password when db parameter sec_case_sensitive_logon is set to TRUE.

2. If the new password does not meet the complexity requirements by Oracle database, FNDCPASS will not change APPS password and does not tell what is the real problem. It only says

APP-FND-02704: Unable to alter user APPS to change password.
Oracle error 28003:  has been detected in alterpassword2.

You have to have more complexity in the new password to make it work!

3. When I used FNDCPASS to change APPS password, it refused to do so and give strange error:

FNDCPASS was not able to decrypt password for user 'ABCD1' during applsys password change.
FNDCPASS was not able to decrypt password for user 'ABCD2' during applsys password change.
FNDCPASS was not able to decrypt password for user 'ABCD3' during applsys password change.

ABCD1, ABCD2 and ABCD3 are not database account at all. But they are EBS users in inactive status for many years. Apparently FNDCPASS does not like their EBS password or security. The fix is to change their EBS password first, and then FNDCPASS is able to change APPS password.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

EBS Mailer status and troubleshooting

Some times, users do not get emails/alerts from EBS R12.1.3 even workflow Mailer is up and running. Table wf_notifications may give different status:
APINVGR                 APINVAPR               OPEN       FAILED                AP GROUP 
APINVGR                 APINVAPR               OPEN       MAIL                    AP GROUP 
APINVGR                 APINVAPR               OPEN       SENT                   AP GROUP   
APINVGR                 APINVAPR               CLOSED  SENT                   AP GROUP
Seems to me that only mails with MAIL_STATUS "SENT" were sent out successfully. If it stays in "MAIL", the Mailer may get stuck somewhere and may need a re-start.

Below query checks the email status:

SELECT notification_id N_ID, to_char(begin_date, 'mm-dd-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') beginDate, recipient_role, message_type, message_name, status, mail_status, context, to_user, subject
   FROM wf_notifications
 WHERE begin_date > sysdate - 5    -- List only emails within 5 days
  ORDER by notification_id desc;

Here is a notification with FAILED status. Note: the record values could be dynamically changed with approval workflow's move.
N_ID          RECIPIENT_ROLE MESSAGE_TYPE  STATUS MAIL_STATUS  CONTEXT                                       TO_USER
15331513  APINVGR                  APINVAPR              OPEN     FAILED               APINVAPR:11345495_1:116020    AP GROUP

To troubleshoot the failed notification, find and check the Workflow status first to see if any error.

You shall verify user APINVGR status and email address are correct.

Also try the Mailer logs in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG to see if you are lucky to get some errors.
$ ls -lrt $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDCP*.txt
$ grep ":ERROR:" $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDCPGSC*.txt > mlrerr.log
$ grep "Exception:" $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDCPGSC*.txt > mlrexc.log
$ grep ":UNEXPECTED:" $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDCPGSC*.txt > mlrunexp.log

If the logs do not tell much, Doc ID 1051421.1 is a good document to follow on enabling debug for Mailer Service Component :
- In OAM : Site Map (or, WF Manager) > Notification Mailer > Edit > Advanced > Go to Step 2 > Change "Log Level" to "Statement" > Apply
- Bounce the Mailer container to generate a fresh log file
In OAM: Site Map > Generic Services > under Status Overview > Next (twice) > Generic Service Component Container > select Workflow Mailer Service > Restart (from the dropdown on the top).
(or, Dashboard > dropdown "Application Services" Go > Next ... to find  Generic Service Component Container > ... )
Note it may take 5 minutes or so for a re-start cycle.

Even Workflow Mailer Service is running, Notification Mailer could be down if two $CONTEXT_FILE parameters are not right, because autoconfig will overwrite them if company's SMTP server name, e.g., is only entered under Outpound EMail Account section on OAM webpage. The correct way is to define them in $CONTEXT_FILE:
         <hostname oa_var="s_smtphost">mail</hostname>
         <domain oa_var="s_smtpdomainname"></domain>

If individual users do not receive notifications or their mails have Failed status, check two tables to see if their preference is turned off (disabled)which could happen when the Workflow Mailer attempts to send a notification to an invalid email address or when email server crashed and caused an outage of hours (Doc ID 360541.1).

SQL> select * from FND_USER_PREFERENCES where preference_value  = 'DISABLED';
SQL> select * from WF_LOCAL_ROLES where notification_preference = 'DISABLED';

To enable it in FND_USER_PREFERENCES: log onto EBS as user who has the issue > click on Preferences > scroll down to Notifications > Email Style > dropdown "HTML mail with attachments"

To populate above change to WF_LOCAL_ROLES and WF_ROLES:
as System Administrator Responsibility > Define User form> query up user with issue:
a. Remove the Person Field > save.
b. Re-query the same user > add back the Person Field > Save
c. This effort does an internal synchronization for the particular user.

Notes on synchronizing workflow tables:
1. In my R12.1.3 instances, above actions synchronizes Status column in tables FND_USER and WF_LOCAL_ROLES. Doc 1213304.1 has info on three sync concurrent programs. In 11i, the synchronization seems more difficult. See Doc 728331.1 and Doc 364647.1.
2. Two steps are necessary to change a user's email address and synchronize it to workflow tables. Prior to about steps on Define User form, go to Setup (mostly under a Purchase/PO responsibility) > Personal > Employee form > update user's email address first.
3. If the Description column is out-of-date in table wf_local_roles, most likely newer data in table PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F is not populated to WF tables. The solution is to run concurrent program 'Synchronize WF LOCAL tables' with parameter FND_USR. That synchronized WF tables in my instances.

After this, run concurrent program Resend Failed/Error Workflow Notifications to resend those FAILED notifications.
This program should send FAILED records out from table wf_notifications. In my case, account APINVGR uses a service email address and each time after Mailer sends a notification to it, its notification_preference becomes DISABLED for unknown reason. After I replace that email address with a real user's email address, the problem is resolved.

If Workflow Mailer stopped, workflow notification will not be sent. Below query shows Workflow Mailer is not running, it needs a fix:
SQL> SELECT component_name, component_status, component_status_info
FROM fnd_svc_components_v
WHERE component_name like 'Workflow%';

component_name                                               component_status   component_status_info
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------------
Workflow Deferred Agent Listener                      RUNNING
Workflow Deferred Notification Agent Listener  RUNNING
Workflow Error Agent Listener                            RUNNING
Workflow Inbound JMS Agent Listener               STOPPED
Workflow Inbound Notifications Agent Listener  RUNNING
Workflow Java Deferred Agent Listener              RUNNING
Workflow Java Error Agent Listener                   RUNNING
Workflow Notification Mailer                              DEACTIVATED_SYSTEM    xxxxx

Doc ID 562551.1 has useful queries. If you want to check into an individual notification, get the NOTIFICATION_ID from above query result and run below quest to see its status from tables WF_NOTIFICATIONS, WF_DEFERRED and WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT.
NOTE: a Failed notification will not reach WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT table
n.begin_date, n.status, n.mail_status, n.recipient_role, de.def_enq_time, de.def_deq_time, 
de.def_state, ou.out_enq_time, ou.out_deq_time, ou.out_state 
FROM   applsys.wf_notifications n, 
       (SELECT d.enq_time def_enq_time, 
               d.deq_time def_deq_time, 
               TO_NUMBER((SELECT VALUE 
                           FROM TABLE(d.user_data.parameter_list) 
                         WHERE NAME = 'NOTIFICATION_ID')) d_notification_id, 
              msg_state def_state 
          FROM$wf_deferred d 
         WHERE d.corr_id = '') de, 
       (SELECT o.deq_time out_deq_time, 
               o.enq_time out_enq_time, 
               TO_NUMBER((SELECT str_value 
                          FROM TABLE( 
                          WHERE NAME = 'NOTIFICATION_ID')) o_notification_id, 
               msg_state out_state 
         FROM$wf_notification_out o) ou 
 WHERE  n.notification_id = 15331600 
   AND  n.notification_id = de.d_notification_id(+) 
   AND  n.notification_id = ou.o_notification_id(+) ;

Check if there are stuck messages in The PROCESS Folder:
FROM (select wi.msgid, wi.corrid, wi.enq_time, wi.state, wi.sender_name,
(select str_value from table( where name = 'NOTIFICATION_ID') notification_id
from apps.WF_NOTIFICATION_IN wi) win, apps.WF_ERROR werr, apps.wf_notifications wfn
where win.notification_id = wfn.notification_id
and  win.msgid = werr.msgid (+)
--and win.enq_time >= sysdate - 4/24 -- In the Process Folder for more than 4 hours
and wfn.status = 'OPEN'
group by trunc(win.enq_time), wfn.status;