Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Apache does not start due to bad group name

When I logged onto a server to clone an EBS instance from production, it gave a message

id: cannot find name for group ID 148.

"id" command shows group name is missing.
$ id
uid=1172(ebsdev) gid=148() groups=148(ebs)

I ignored the message and completed the clone. After that, Apache service did not start and even did not create any log files in $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache folder. The only error is in $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/opmn/HTTP_Server~1.log :

apachectl startssl: execing httpd
httpd: bad group name 148

I realized where the problem came from and asked Linux Admin to fix the Group name issue.

$ id
uid=1172(ebsdev) gid=148(ebs) groups=148(ebs)

Then, I replaced 148 with the group name in file $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf

User ebsdev
Group ebs

I also verified file /etc/group is READable. After that, I started Apache without problem.

Concurrent job out of memory issue

Create Accounting (XLAACCPB) Program in one of our instances gave below error in log file:

Calling XDO Data Engine...
****Warning!!! Due to high volume of data, got out of memory exception...***
****Please retry with scalable option or modify the Data template to run in scalable mode...***

Oracle Support recommended below action plan in a SR. That fixed the issue.

Action Plan:
 1. In  Profile, please change following setting at ALL levels in System option:
 FND: Debug Log Enabled => NO
 AR: Enable Debug Message Output => NO
 SLA: Enable Diagnostics => No

2. Doc ID 1350719.1
 Access the "System Administrator" responsibility.

 Navigate to Concurrent > Program > Define.
 Search for the report (e.g., Create Accounting)
 Click on Parameters button.
 Move to the last parameter.

 Add the Scalable Flag as follows -

 Description - ScalableFlag
 Enabled - Check
 Default Type - Constant
 Default Value - Y
 Token - ScalableFlag (Case sensitive. Give this exact value)

 P_SCALABLE_FLAG - has a Default Value of 'Y'

 A>  Increase the memory for Java used by the concurrent program.
Query the concurrent program in
 System Administrator> Concurrent> Program> Define >
 Query for the Create Accounting concurrent program >
 Enter value for Options field with : -Xmx2048M  (Note: Don't miss the dash before the X) .

 B> Time out parameters (Profile)
 Concurrent:OPP Response Timeout : 240
 Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout :   10800 sec (3 hours)

Additional Notes: Oracle Doc ID 838810.1 provides a similar solution to fix below error and it worked in my instance.

Subledger Accounting: Version : 12.0.0
XLAPEXRPT module: Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report
Calling XDO Data Engine...
****Warning!!! Due to high volume of data, got out of memory exception...***
****Please retry with scalable option or modify the Data template to run in scalable mode...***

Set the following parameters in the concurrent program definition:
Under Concurrent > Program > Define, query for concurrent program
short name = XLAPEXRPT and application = Subledger Accounting.

1. In the 'Options' field enter -Xmx2048M
2. Add a parameter to the concurrent token = ScalableFlag, default value set to 'Y'. Same way
you add DebugFlag
In the application developer responsibility
-> Concurrent -> Program -> Define
-> Query for short name= XLAPEXRPT
-> Click on Parameters
->define a new parameter (if not existing)
parameter name=P_DEBUG_FLAG, attach any valueset that is YES_NO valueset.
Give Default value=Y
3. Submit the request with scalable mode Yes.