_b_tree_bitmap_plans | FALSE |
_fast_full_scan_enabled | FALSE |
_like_with_bind_as_equality | TRUE |
_optimizer_autostats_job | FALSE |
_sort_elimination_cost_ratio | 5 |
_sqlexec_progression_cost | 2147483647 |
_system_trig_enabled | TRUE |
_use_single_log_writer | TRUE |
aq_tm_processes | 4 |
audit_sys_operations | TRUE |
audit_trail | DB (default is NONE) |
compatible | 12.1.0 |
control_file_record_keep_time | 30 |
control_files | /path/to1/ctrl01.dbf, /path/to2/ctrl02.dbf, /path/to3/ctrl03.dbf |
cursor_sharing | EXACT |
db_block_checking | FALSE |
db_block_checksum | TRUE |
db_block_size | 8192 |
db_cache_size | 5368709120 (or, 5G) |
db_files | 1000 |
db_name | EBSPROD |
diagnostic_dest | /path/to/db_ebsprod/admin/EBSPROD_ebsdb1p |
dml_locks | 10000 |
filesystemio_options | setall |
java_jit_enabled | FALSE |
job_queue_processes | 20 |
log_archive_dest | /path/to/EBSPROD/arch/arch.log |
log_buffer | 10485760 (or, 10M) |
log_checkpoint_interval | 100000 |
log_checkpoint_timeout | 1200 |
log_checkpoints_to_alert | TRUE |
max_dump_file_size | 10000 |
memory_max_target | 25769803776 (or, 24G) |
memory_target | 25769803776 |
nls_comp | binary |
nls_date_format | DD-MON-RR |
nls_language | AMERICAN |
nls_length_semantics | BYTE |
nls_numeric_characters | ., |
nls_sort | binary |
nls_territory | AMERICA |
olap_page_pool_size | 4194304 (or, 4M) |
open_cursors | 4096 |
optimizer_adaptive_features | FALSE |
optimizer_secure_view_merging | FALSE |
os_authent_prefix | ext$ |
parallel_max_servers | 64 |
parallel_min_servers | 0 |
parallel_servers_target | 64 |
parallel_threads_per_cpu | 2 |
pga_aggregate_limit | 0 |
pga_aggregate_target | 0 (this is the default. Could be set to 1G) |
plsql_code_type | INTERPRETED |
plsql_optimize_level | 0 |
processes | 3000 |
query_rewrite_enabled | true |
recovery_parallelism | 1 |
recyclebin | ON |
remote_login_passwordfile | NONE |
remote_os_authent | FALSE |
sec_case_sensitive_logon | FALSE |
sec_protocol_error_further_action | drop,3 |
session_cached_cursors | 500 |
session_max_open_files | 100 |
sessions | 4536 |
sga_max_size | 25769803776 (or, 24G) |
shared_pool_reserved_size | 214748364 |
shared_pool_size | 4294967296 (or, 4G) |
sql92_security | TRUE |
temp_undo_enabled | TRUE |
timed_statistics | TRUE |
undo_management | AUTO |
undo_retention | 43200 |
undo_tablespace | APPS_UNDO_TBS |
utl_file_dir | /path/to/EBSPROD/utl_dir, /usr/tmp |
workarea_size_policy | AUTO |
The database server is an IBM LPAR configuration. 4 Oracle databases on it share its resources of 6 cores CPUs and 92 GB memory, and it is all virtual.
parallel_max_servers = Maximum value should be 2 X #of CPUs.
This parameter depends on the number of cores. It uses logical CPUs and 5 cores (4-way SMP). The SMP threads don’t really replicate a full core.
optimizer_adaptive_features = FALSE
If it is set to true, queries may run OK on a first run, but poorly on subsequent runs. Oracle will try to adapt the plans using cardinality feedback and other features that can be good, but can also cause issues.
parallel_threads_per_cpu = 2
Because the core CPU are 4-way SMP, it shows 4x more CPUs than it really has. If it set to a higher value (say, 16), Oracle will keep overallocating the CPU resources for parallel queries and spinning up too many parallel threads for the memory and CPU that it has.