After Linux server patching and reboot, alerts were sent out that httpd process for OHS (Oracle HTTP Server) in a production instance was not running on the server. I tried to stop/start it without luck. Somehow it tied to a pid owned by root very strangely (or, it ties to a pid that does not exist).
$ ps -ef | grep httpd <== No httpd running
$ start
$ status
Processes in Instance: EBS_web_EBSPROD_OHS1
------------------------ --------------+------------------+-------+-------
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
------------------------- -------------+------------------+-------+-------
EBS_web_EBSPROD | OHS | 919 | Stop
$ ps -ef | grep 919 (or, process 919 does not exist)
root 919 2 0 09:32 ? 00:00:00 [xxxxxx]
$ iName=$(tr < $CONTEXT_FILE '<>' ' ' | awk '/"s_ohs_instance"/ {print $(NF-1)}' )
$ SUBiName=${iName%?????}
$ cd $FMW_HOME/webtier/instances/$iName/diagnostics/logs/OHS/$SUBiName
The log file shows many lines of message:
22/0X/05 02:47:03 Stop process
$FMW_HOME/webtier/ohs/bin/apachectl stop: httpd (no pid file) not running
22/0X/05 02:48:03 Stop process
$FMW_HOME/webtier/ohs/bin/apachectl hardstop: httpd (no pid file) not running
File shall reside in this log folder, which is defined in httpd.conf in $FMW_HOME/webtier/instances/$iName/config/OHS/$SUBiName (or, $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/$iName/config/OHS/$SUBiName) in R12.2. I believe the problem is was removed BEFORE " stop" fully completed, maybe due to Linux server crash or power off. Normally, " stop" checks it and then removes it. Because of that, failed on checking a status and refused to start Apache.
Additionally, opmn logs can be found in $FMW_HOME/webtier/instances/$iName/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn
The workaround:
1. Stop/kill all opmn processes (keeping WLS related processes will be fine)
$ ps -ef | grep opmn
2. Create a empty file
$ cd $FMW_HOME/webtier/instances/$iName/diagnostics/logs/OHS/$SUBiName
$ touch
3. Clear a folder (important step)
$ cd $FMW_HOME/webtier/instances/$iName/config/OPMN/opmn
$ ls -al states
-rw-r----- 1 user group 19 Jun 21 18:57 .opmndat
-rw-r----- 1 user group 579 Jun 21 18:54 p1878855085
$ mv states states_BK
$ mkdir states
$ ls -al states
4. Now, starting Apache shall work
$ ./ start
$ ./ status
$ ps -ef | grep httpd | wc -l
4 <== 3 httpd.worker processes running
5. Make sure all work
./ apps/appsPWD
./ apps/appsPWD
./ status
When Apache (OHS) starts up, it writes the process ID (PID) of the parent httpd process to the file. When Apache is running, file shall exist and not be empty.