Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Apply patch by adpatch or opatch

  •  adpatch to apply EBS patches
- If you don’t see the “AutoPatch is complete” message at the end of the Autopatch log file, Autopatch did not complete successfully.

- The autopatch log is in below directory with default name adpatch.log:

File adpatch.lgi is the file that has information (about patch applied), for example, about files
that were not applied because of some kind of problem that occurs or because patches had been applied already. See below UPDATES 2.

Ignore warning messages. See Doc ID 401424.1  (for R12.1.3)

- Apply the patch on the CM node first. The patching process on other nodes will skip some steps that already ran in CM node.

- To apply GDF patches, maintenance mode is not necessary.
$ adpatch options=hotpatch

- For patch analysis, run
$ adpatch apply=n options=hotpatch

- Merge multiple patches: syntax
$ admrgpch -s /path/to/sourceFolder -d /patch/to/mergedPatch -manifest manifest_list.txt
After that, folder mergedPatch can be zipped up and copied to other servers. File manifest_list.txt shall list all .zip files with full patch.

- If patch failed with below similar error, you can answer No or answer Yes to finish the process. Then come back to fix the individual error.

The following Oracle Forms objects did not generate successfully:
ar      forms/US        ARXCWMAI.fmx
An error occurred while generating Oracle Forms files.
Continue as if it were successful [No] : No 

Freeing includes hash table
Freeing fixes hash table
 Freeing basedons hash table
Freeing entities hash table

If you answer NO, you have to re-run adpatch after you have fixed (i.e. compiled successfully) what failed. Re-run adpatch :
$ adpatch
... ...
Your previous AutoPatch session did not run to completion.
Do you wish to continue with your previous AutoPatch session [Yes] ? Yes
... ...

It will NOT ask you any passwords and will re-try what failed in previous session:

Assigned: file ARXCWMAI.fmx on worker  1 for product ar  username AR.
Completed: file ARXCWMAI.fmx on worker  1 for product ar  username AR.
... ...
Running AutoConfig ...
Running AutoConfig on : All products ...
... ...
Saving Patch History information to Database...
 Updating the current-view snapshot...

 ... ... ...

- To check if an EBS patch is installed or not, run a single SELECT statement:

SQL> select * from apps.ad_bugs where bug_number = 1313962;

- BTW, as sysdba use sql to check if a database patch is installed or not
SQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> exec dbms_qopatch.get_sqlpatch_status;
SQL> select xmltransform(dbms_qopatch.is_patch_installed('31219939'), dbms_qopatch.get_opatch_xslt) "Patch installed?" from dual;
SQL> select * from sys.registry$history;

Below query show status on each node if patch is not included in a merged patch. It is tested in R12.1.

SQL> SELECT aap.patch_name,, apr.end_date
FROM ad_applied_patches aap,
ad_patch_drivers apd,
ad_patch_runs apr,
ad_appl_tops aat
WHERE aap.applied_patch_id = apd.applied_patch_id
and apd.patch_driver_id = apr.patch_driver_id
and aat.appl_top_id = apr.appl_top_id
and aap.patch_name = '9239090';

xxxxx.lgi file reports files that were not applied. For example, adpatch only compares the package versions on file system and does not check the version inside the database. If for some reason a newer one was copied to the file system,  the patch file will not get applied.

$  grep apgdfalb $APPL_TOP/admin/${TWO_TASK}/log/16981628.lgi
Will not apply apgdfalb.pls: Patch file is older.
  Patch  : /path/to/16981628/ap/patch/115/sql/apgdfalb.pls, v120.1.12010000.68
  On-Site: $AP_TOP/patch/115/sql/apgdfalb.pls, v120.1.12010000.72

Checkfile            sql          ap      apgdfalb.pls

But, the package version in the database is much lower. So I had to manually run file apgdfalb.pls in Sql*Plus to get the newer one.

SQL> select text from dba_source where name='AP_ACCTG_DATA_FIX_PKG' and line=2;
/* $Header: apgdfalb.pls 120.1.12010000.43 2011/08/24 05:55:58 kpasikan ship $ */

SQL> @/path/to/16981628/ap/patch/115/sql/apgdfalb.pls
Package created.

  • opatch to apply patches to ORACLE_HOME
- Go to the directory first
$ cd 7120514
- Apply the patch
$ opatch apply
(or,  $ opatch apply -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc )

(1) Use below line to get opatch version:
$ ./opatch -version

(2) While applying the patch, if OPatch detects a different platform ID in the applying instance, then do the below work-around to make Opatch work fine. For example, if the patch is available for Linux86 but the instance OS at Linux AMD x86-64, set an env variable:


(3) Steps to Rollback the patch
1. Stop all services
2. Use the following command:
$ cd 7120514
$ opatch rollback -id 7120514

1. If a patch is for a lower version of product or is using a wrong ORACLE_HOME, opatch may not apply it.  For example, when I wrongly downloaded zip file of patch 12965674 for and then applied it to a ORACLE_HOME, it just gave message:

None of the patch actions is applicable to the Oracle Home.

OPatch will not apply this patch.
OPatch succeeded.

2. When the folder of the unzipped files had permission issue (owned by a different user), opatch stopped in the middle with below message. I answered N to apply it and then rolled it back successfully.

$ opatch apply
. . .  . . .  . . .
Replying 'Y' will terminate the patch installation immediately. It WILL NOT restore any updates that have been performed to this point. It WILL NOT update the inventory.
Replying 'N' will update the inventory showing the patch has been applied.
NOTE: After replying either 'Y' or 'N' it is critical to review:
      My Oracle Support Note 312767.1 How to rollback a failed Interim patch installation.
Do you want to STOP?
Please respond Y|N >

Running make for target ias_install.

Inventory is good and does not have any dangling patches.

Updating inventory...

Verifying patch...
  Verifying that patch ID is in Oracle Home inventory.
  Verifying archive files.

Comparing "/path/to/11780669/files/lib/librw.a/rwadr.o" and "$ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage/verify/lib/librw.a/rwadr.o"
OPATCH_JAVA_ERROR: Unable to verify if patch has been applied.

Exception in thread "main" /path/to/11780669/files/lib/librw.a/rwadr.o (Permission denied)
        at Method)
        at<init>(Unknown Source)
        at<init>(Unknown Source)
        at opatch.VerifyPatch.verify(
        at opatch.VerifyPatch.main( of the patch failed.

ERROR: OPatch failed as verification of the patch failed.

$ opatch rollback -id 11780669
. . .  . . .  . . . 
Is this system ready for updating?
Please respond Y|N >
Removing patch 11780669...

Restoring archive files...
Running make for target  ias_install.
Updating inventory...
Backing up comps.xml ...
Inventory is good and does not have any dangling patches.
OPatch succeeded.

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