Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monitor RMAN jobs

After you start a RMAN restore or backup session, RMAN needs to reach the tape first and you may have to wait for a while before you see the progress. In Veritas Netbackup client, there is a folder (on database server) holding Veritas logs. You can check them for any access errors or tape availability. The location could be


To find the Netbackup client location, try "ps -ef | grep netbackup" or "ps -ef |grep bpcd" when the RMAN job is running. Note the "dpcd" process may not be running all the time, and just be in and out when RMAN runs.

Sometimes, no news is good news. Once the session passes the tape level, Note 1444640.1 gives ways to monitor RMAN jobs from the database.

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