Friday, April 17, 2009

Re-install Grid Control Agent (

Here are steps to re-install Grid Control agent on db_server:

0. Have a blackout on the host level to avoid all kinds of GC alerts.
1. Remove Host db_server from the GC site at http://gc_server:7777/em/console/logon/logon , use "Super Administrator" account.
Note: remove the listerner, databases first, then remove the Agent and Host as the last step after the Agent is stopped.

2. On db_server, login as oracle. Stop the Agent and make sure "ps -ef | grep emagent" does not return anything. Then run .../runInstaller to just remove agent10g Home from the server.

3. Remove or rename folder $ORACLE_BASE/product/agent10g. Create a new folder, say, $ORACLE_BASE/product/Agent204download to hold the script.

4. Go to the new folder, and run wget http://gc_server:4889/agent_download/

5. The easiest way is to make a shell script to launch the installation. Here is the content of my file

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle

export PATH=$PWD:$PATH
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/agent10g
export AGENT_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/agent10

./agentDownload.aix -b $ORACLE_BASE/product > agentdownload.log

6. Run the script to fire the installation process

If the screen is not moving (hanging), hit “Enter” key once during the entire installation!! You may open a different Putty (OS) session to view the log for monitoring the process.


1. Make sure the db_server name is defined in /etc/hosts file.
2. "$ nslookup db_server" to check the IP address and hostname.
3. "$ netstat -an | grep 3872" to verify port is not used (Note 443524.1)
4. On the server where the entire $ORACLE_BASE (Oracle binary) was copied from a different server by SAN COPY on disk level, the Agent installation keeps getting the wrong hostname. I have to add ORACLE_HOSTNAME=db_server to the end of the "InstallCmd=" line in the agentDownload.aix script to force the right hostname (after reading Note 370300.1).

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