Sunday, August 30, 2015

R12.1 patching for Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11)

R12.1 is certified with Internet Explorer 11. But patches are necessary (Doc ID 389422.1).

1. Merge and apply 4 patches to R12.1.3:
Notes: when CRM module is not used, applying CRM patch will create a lot invalid objects in DB)

2. Apply patch 16983427 to fix a bug on Payables after above 4 patches:
'ViewObject attribute is null' Error Trying To Submit Payment Process Request (Doc ID 1481246.1)

3. Clean some cache files:
$ cd $OA_HTML
$ rm -f cabo/images/cache/*
$ rm -f cabo/styles/cache/*

4. Update profile option "BNE Redirect Portal URL" to empty (Bug: Doc ID 1965891.1).

5. Users need to use some workarounds to make ADI Excel import/export work.


Oradba said...

Hi Jeff,

Helpful post. I was just wondering why did u skip

Patch 21565052:R12.FWK.B

As per the Doc ID 389422.1

Other question i have is on

step 5. What was work around u guys used?

" Users need to use some workarounds to make ADI Excel import/export work."


J Y in AZ said...

Patch 21565052 was added to the document after my work. Please see its Change Log:

Oct 14, 2015 Added latest additional FWK Patch 21565052:R12.FWK.B to the IE 11 Prerequisite Patch Requirements section.

I do not remember what users did on Excel on the workaround, such as check/uncheck some boxes and turn on/off macro.