During patching, a program, such as cstpostimportaad.sql, stays in "Running" status forever (Doc ID 1453612.1). To stop and skip it (and you may re-run the program after adpatch finishes):
$ adctrl
==> 4. Tell manager that a worker failed its job
==> 3. Tell worker to quit
==> 6. Restart a worker on the current machine. (Otherwise, worker keeps staying in "Assigned")
2. A worker stuck in "Failed" status. How to stop the worker and skip this program?
Worker Code Context Filename Status
---------- -------- ---------------------- ------------------- --------------
3 Done AutoPatch R120 EGOSILDU.sql Failed
$ adctrl
==> 8 (Note: 8 is NOT listed on the menu)
Now, the status becomes:
3 Done AutoPatch R120 EGOSILDU.sql Skip & restart
==> 6. Restart a worker on the current machine
In another case, after I manually uploaded a failed workflow file to database (Doc ID 2581597.1), I used adcrtl to continue the adpatch session:
Worker Code Context Filename Status
---------- -------- ---------------------- ------------------- --------------
2 Run AutoPatch R120 POSSPAPM.wft FAILED==> 8
Enter the worker number(s)/range(s) or 'all' for all workers,
or press [Return] to go back to the menu : 2
Status changed to 'Skip & restart' for worker 2.
Review the messages above, then press [Return] to continue.
Once above steps in adctrl were done, adpatch automatically continued to next jobs.
3. How to re-start "adpatch" from scratch?
Sometimes, you have to start adpatch again to clean all memories kept in previous run, such as change of a schema password in the middle of adpatch session. Even using "3. Tell worker to quit" on all workers, adpatch will still run on OS level. You have to use "kill -9" to stop it.
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