Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Apply EBS R12.1 CPU patches (October 2015)

Apps CPU (Critical Patch Update) patches involve different areas. Normally CPU patches are applied at the same time to EBS apps and two ORACLE_HOMEs. Doc ID 2051000.1 has the instruction for October 2015 CPU patches.

1. Database patches

In my database, database October 2015 PSU and other patches were applied. But most of them are for other purposes, and are not pre-requisites for EBS Oct 2015 CPU.
    Patch            Conflict patch
    21520444    Combo of OJVM PSU and DB PSU (Oct 2015)
    6880880      Latest OPatch
X 19382851     Already included in PSU
X 19393542     Already included in PSU
X 19627012     Already included in PSU
X 19649152     Already included in PSU
    20204035 version. No conflicts
    13542050    A mutex related hang with holder around 65534 (0xfffe)
    19855835    Upgrade slow when reorganizing large stats history tables
    20879889    Open cursor leak from DML on table with a materialized view log
    20807398    ORA-600 [kgl-hash-collision] with fix to bug 20465582 installed
    21091518    Extend fix of bug 18304693 to Partition Views

2. Patch 21845960 (CPU Oct2015 Fusion Middleware

$ cd $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3
$ . xxxx.env                           <== source the env file there
$ echo $ORACLE_HOME       <== make sure it points to 10.1.3 IAS_ORACLE_HOME

$ unzip p21845960_101350_LINUX.zip
$ export OPATCH_PLATFORM_ID=46         <== need it on 64-bit server
$ cd 21845960
$ opatch napply               <== take about 15 minutes and roll back previously installed CPU patches

(1) After 21845960 was applied, "opatch lsinventory | grep 21845960" will show nothing because it is a CPU patch.  But, below line shall show 21845942 (one of the included patches) was installed
$ opatch lsinventory | grep 21845942
(2) Without "export OPATCH_PLATFORM_ID=46" on 64-bit server, opatch exited with error message "NApply failed to apply the following patches "21815758". After that, I tried "opatch napply -skip_duplicate" (I used this option when applied database SPU patch), it says "The input directory could not processed". Then, I went to sub-folder 21815758 and used "opatch apply" to apply it successfully.

3. Patch 21103001
NOTES: This patch replaces CPU Oct2014 Fusion Middleware patch 19434967. See Doc ID 437878.1 CHANGE LOG of Oct 16, 2015.

Start a new OS session or $ . .profile     <== run the main env file
$ echo $ORACLE_HOME      <== make sure it is the 10.1.2 ORACLE HOME

(1) p14825718_10123_LINUX.zip  (asked by 21103001 README)
   Verify conditions are met to apply Patch  14825718 (Step 3.2 notes of Document 437878.1):
     - 12881480, 13808590, 14041415, 14262118, 14614795, 14577216, 9593176 were NOT applied.
     - 6995251, 7121788 were APPLIED.

$ cd 14825718
$ opatch apply
Note1: README of Bundle Patch is not applicable to E-Business Suite Customers.
Note2: It may rollback some patches. If you get below message, answer "N" to continue:
If you continue, all patches will be rolled back and the new patch (14825718) will be installed.
Do you want to STOP?
Please respond Y|N > N

(2) p6640838_10106_Linux-x86-64.zip  (asked by 21103001 README)
This patch 6640838 only added missing components to OUI, not install a new OUI
Steps with screenshots: Doc ID 1301320.1 How to patch OUI for installing overlay patches on top of Forms Bundle Patch - 9593176

$ mv $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch.pre_6640838
to reserve the higher version of opatch.

$ cd cd/Disk1/install
$ ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs

$ mv OPatch OPatch_delete
$ mv OPatch.pre_6640838 OPatch

(3) p8551790_10123_LINUX.zip  (asked by 21103001 README)

$ cd 8551790
$ opatch apply

(4) p21103001_101232_LINUX.zip

$ cd 21103001
$ opatch apply             <== very quick
Note1: Post steps are not needed for EBS. See "Post Steps For Patch 19434967 Files Do Not Exist (Doc ID 1945012.1)"
Note2: If opatch version is older than, it may give a misleading error message:
The patch directory area must be a number.
ERROR: OPatch failed because of problems in patch area.

4. Run the new adgrants.sql as SYSDBA ( get it from 21507207/admin/adgrants.sql after unzip p21507207_12.1.0_R12_LINUX.zip). Without it, ADFIXUSER.sql will fail.

SQL> @adgrants.sql apps  ( <- lower case)
... ... ...
Start of Creating AD_JAR context
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
End of Creating AD_JAR context
Package created.
Package body created.
End of Creating PL/SQL Package AD_DBMS_METADATA.
Creating PL/SQL Package AD_ZD_SYS
Package created.
Package body created.
End of Creating PL/SQL Package AD_ZD_SYS.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Commit complete.

5. Check pre-requisites on EBS apps

select * from ad_bugs where bug_number in (
'9239089',    -- R12.AD.B.Delta.3
'19273341',  -- R12.BNE.B.delta.4
'8919491',    -- R12.ATG_PF.B.Delta.3
'18936791',  -- R12.FWK.B.delta.4   see Don ID 1931412.1
'19393542'   -- database patch. It will not show up here :)

6. Apply R12.1 Oct2015 CPU 21507207

In my system, I merged 19273341, 18936791, 21507207 together and applied them in one run by adpatch. It may take more than 1 hour on first node (around 18 minutes silence on afprgshrlog.sql !).


Unknown said...

Good summary. I am working on applying Oct 2015 CPU/PSU as well. I am a big confused by Middleware patch 21845960. According to read me, there is a command -

In EBS case, do we need to run this?


J Y said...

Most README's post steps do not apply to EBS. Doc ID 437878.1 gives a good guideline "Follow the post installation instructions given in Section 4 after applying the patch"

Step 4.1: Rebuild Forms and Reports Executables (Conditional)

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib
$ make -f ins_forms.mk install

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib
$ make -f ins_reports.mk install

Step 4.2: Regenerate JAR files
Run the AD Administration Utility to regenerate the JAR files:

Run the AD Administration Utility (adadmin)
Select Generate Applications Files
Generate Product JAR Files