Error Page You have encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the System Administrator for assistance
I enabled Profile option "FND: Diagnostics" to see more detailed exception.
Exception Details.
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: oracle.adf.mds.exception.MDSRuntimeException:
Unable to find component with absolute reference = /oracle/apps/aear/Rebate/webui/SearchPage, XML Path = null.
Please verify that the reference is valid and the definition of the component exists either on the File System or in the MDS Repository.
at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(
... ... ...
We verified file $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/custom/Rebate/webui/SearchPage.xml does exist on in the OS folder, and then we ran a short script to upload it to the database
LOG_CONTROL=$LOG_TOP/log/SearchPage`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'`.log
... ... ....
java $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/custom/Rebate/webui/SearchPage.xml \
-username $APPS_USER_PARAM -password $APPS_PASS_PARAM -rootdir . \
After the xml is imported successfully, below code should display its definition stored in MDS repository.
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> Begin
SQL> apps.jdr_utils.printdocument('/oracle/apps/custom/Rebate/webui/SearchPage');
SQL> End;
Now, after we click on the OAF page again, it works! The problem was fixed.
Additional notes:
1. all .java files in a folder can be compiled to .class file by javac. For example,
$ cd $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/custom/Rebate/webui
$ javac *.java
2. For JSP apps, Java .class file is not loaded into the database. All compiled JSP files are stored in $COMMON/_pages. In R12, the jsp files does not get compiled automatically. If OC4J doesn’t find the .class file in the _pages directory, it will just display a blank webpage and will not even attempt to compile the JSP. This is different from 11i. So, do not modify or delete files in folder $COMMON/_pages in R12 if you do not know how to compile JSP files.
3. The Perl script to compile JSP file is $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ Run below line will clear cache and force compile all jsp pages
$ perl -x $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ --compile --flush
Good documents on compiling JSP files:
JSP Pages Hanging in R12 After Removing Cached Class Files in _pages (Doc ID 433386.1)
How to Enable Automatic Compilation of JSP pages in R12 Environment (Doc ID 458338.1)
UPDATES: How jsp file works in R12.2.10?
For R12.2, JSP file is saved in $OA_HTML (same as $EBS_APPS_DEPLOYMENT_DIR/oacore/html). They are not uploaded to database. You can use same command to compile a single custom .jsp file, such as
$ cd $OA_HTML
$ more JDKtest.jsp
The JDK version is: <%= System.getProperty("java.version") %>
$ perl -x $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ --compile -s 'JDKtest.jsp' --flush
After compilation, file jdktest.class is saved in $OA_HTML/WEB-INF/classes/_pages. But it may give error on page https://[web node]:[port]/OA_HTML/JDKtest.jsp :
logfile set: $LOG_HOME/appl/rgf/ojsp/ojspc_error.log
starting...(compiling delta)
using 10i internal ojsp ver:
synchronizing dependency file:
loading deplist...7874
enumerating jsps...7875
updating dependency...7875
parsing jsp...7875
writing deplist...7875
initializing compilation:
files to compile...1
eliminating children...1 (-0)
searching uncompiled...1
translating and compiling:
searching untranslated...1
translating jsps...1/1 in 23s
compiling jsps...1/1 in 3s
Requested resource or page is not allowed in this site
This feature is controlled by new profile options in R12.2. To resolve the issue, change "Security: Allowed Resources" to ALL (and may also change "Allow Unrestricted JSP Access [FND_SEC_ALLOW_JSP_UNRESTRICTED_ACCESS] to Yes).
Then, bounce all Apps services. Now page http://[web node]:[port]/OA_HTML/JDKtest.jsp shall say "The JDK version is: 1.7.0_xxx".
Then, bounce all Apps services. Now page http://[web node]:[port]/OA_HTML/JDKtest.jsp shall say "The JDK version is: 1.7.0_xxx".
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