Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Monitor Discoverer Processes (dis51ws) Not Terminated by Timeout

If user does not use "file > exit" or "file > close" to gracefully close the workbook or Discoverer, an orphaned session may be created. Some times, user may get error while trying to connect to Discoverer Viewer and Plus:

A connection error has occurred.
- Attempt 1. CORBA proto : Hard limit on number of sessions reached. Please contact your administrator or retry after some time.
Hint: An administrator can further diagnose connection problems by running the "checkdiscoverer" script under <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util.

Here is a useful korn shell script:

$ cat script.ksh
# script to display dis51ws processes over 5 hours old.
# you need to be in the korn shell to run this.

echo "\nDD:HH:MM:SS PID Process"
echo "------------------------"
for i in `ps -A -o etime,pid,args grep dis51ws sed 's/ /_/g'`
myday=`echo $i awk '{ fred2=substr($1,1,2);print fred2}'`
myhour=`echo $i awk '{ fred2=substr($1,4,2);print fred2}'`
# the above line extracts the hour .

if test $myday = "__*"
if test $myhour != "__*"
if test $myhour -gt 5
# the last number here is the hour limit -
# you can customize this from 0 to 23.
process=`echo $i sed 's/_/ /g'`
echo $process
else # if any day at all is listed, then the proc must be over 5 hours.
process=`echo $i sed 's/_/ /g'`
echo $process
echo "\n"

$ for i in ` ksh script.ksh awk '{ print $2}'`
> do
> kill -9 $i
> done

Note that Discoverer uses $ORACLE_HOME/discoverer/util/perf.txt to set up the timeout variable: Timeout = 1800 seconds. $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml also has entries for time: <start timeout="600" /> <stop timeout="120" /> (not sure what it's for).

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