Friday, May 2, 2008

Profile Options Could Stop Concurrent Jobs

In production instance, MRP Workbench does not have data. The concurrent job "Purchasing MRP (Report)" failed with error in the log:
Request restarted at :01-MAY-2008 01:05:57
**Starts**01-MAY-2008 01:05:57
**Ends**01-MAY-2008 01:05:57
The set completed normally with outcome Error. The outcome was determined by the final stage, Load/Copy/Merge MDS (10).

The log on program "Load/Copy/Merge MDS" says that
APP-MRP-22132: Cannot get profile option MRP_DEBUG
Cause: The current routine cannot retrieve a value for the specified profile option.

Below query confirms that two profile options are blank because of human error, as it returns 0 row:

SELECT fpo.profile_option_name Profile,
fpov.profile_option_value Value,
decode(fpov.level_id,10001, 'SITE',10002, 'APPLICATION',10003, 'RESPONSIBILITY', 10004,'USER') "LEVEL",
fa.application_short_name App,
fr.responsibility_name Responsibility,
fu.user_name "USER"
FROM fnd_profile_option_values fpov,
fnd_profile_options fpo,
fnd_application fa,
apps.fnd_responsibility_vl fr,
fnd_user fu, fnd_logins fl
WHERE fpo.profile_option_id=fpov.profile_option_id
and fa.application_id(+)=fpov.level_value
and fr.application_id(+)=fpov.level_value_application_id
and fr.responsibility_id(+)=fpov.level_value
and fu.user_id(+)=fpov.level_value
and fl.login_id(+) = fpov.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
and fpo.profile_option_name in ('MRP_TRACE','MRP_DEBUG')
order by 1,3

After setting profile options "MRP:Debug" and "MRP:Trace" to 'No' at Site level, the MRP request set runs successfully.

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