Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SQL to show 11i Profile Options

After some Profile options were turned on Site, Application, Responsibility, or User level, you might forget to turn them off which may lead to application behavior variation by user or responsibility. Metalink Doc ID: 146705.1 provides a SQL script to display all saved values for the specified profile options. Here is what it looks like on running it:

SQL> @a_profile_opt_R11i.sql

Enter value for profile_like: Utili%Diag%

Creation Date:        27-DEC-99        Created By:    AUTOINSTALL
Date Active From:   01-JAN-80        To:
Profile Option Name:   DIAGNOSTICS
User Profile Name:      Utilities:Diagnostics
Profile Description:
Value determines whether diagnostic utilities, such as Examine, may be used
Level Value              Profile Value
------- --------------  ----------
Site    SITE             N
User   JJOHN         Y

Code from the Oracle document:

 - - - - - - - - - - - Code begins here - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
rem     File:      a_profile_opt_R11i.sql
rem     Created:   Vitaliy Mogilevskiy (
rem     Modified:  Eric Santos, Run in 11i and NLS 
rem     Desc:      Reports Profile Options For Oracle Applications
rem                with NOT NULL values, groups by Profile Option Name
rem                breaks by SITE, RESPONSIBILITY, APPLICATION, USER
rem                Takes Parameter Name as search string
rem                Allows you to view ALL possible values for profile
rem                including SITE, RESPONSIBILITY, APPLICATION and USER.
rem                This is impossible in Oracle Apps GUI mode

clear col
clear breaks

set pages 9000
set lines 132
set verify off

col pov    format a45 word_wrapped  heading "Profile Value"
col lo     format a5                heading "Level"
col lov    format a40               heading "Value"
col pon    noprint    new_value n_pon
col upon   noprint    new_value n_upon
col sda    noprint    new_value n_sda
col eda    noprint    new_value n_eda
col cd     noprint    new_value n_cd
col cb     noprint    new_value n_cb
col d      format a78 word_wrapped noprint    new_value n_d

break on pon skip page

ttitle -
       "Creation Date:   "      n_cd    "    Created By: "        n_cb   -
       skip 1 -
       "Date Active From:"      n_sda   "    To:"     n_eda  -
       skip 1 -
       "Profile Option Name: "  n_pon   -
       skip 1 -
       "User Profile Name:   "  n_upon  -
       skip 1 -
       "Profile Description: "          -
       skip 1 -
       n_d                              -

select        lpad(fpo.profile_option_name,55)         pon
,             lpad(fpot.user_profile_option_name,55)   upon
,             fpot.description                          d
,             lpad(fpo.start_date_active,15)           sda
,             lpad(fpo.end_date_active,15)             eda
,             lpad(fpo.creation_date,15)               cd
,             lpad(fu.user_name,20)                    cb
,             'Site'                                   lo
,             'SITE'                                   lov
,             fpov.profile_option_value                pov
from       FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS_TL      fpot
,          FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS         fpo
,          FND_USER                    fu
where    fpot.user_profile_option_name like '&&profile_like'
and      fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and      fpo.application_id       = fpov.application_id
and      fpo.profile_option_id    = fpov.profile_option_id
and      fpo.created_by           = fu.user_id
and      fpot.language            = Userenv('Lang')
and      fpov.level_id            = 10001         /* Site Level */
union all
select        lpad(fpo.profile_option_name,55)         pon
,             lpad(fpot.user_profile_option_name,55)   upon
,             fpot.description                          d
,             lpad(fpo.start_date_active,15)           sda
,             lpad(fpo.end_date_active,15)             eda
,             lpad(fpo.creation_date,15)               cd
,             lpad(fu.user_name,20)                    cb
,             'Apps'                                   lo
,             fa.application_name                      lov
,             fpov.profile_option_value                pov
from      FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS_TL      fpot
,         FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS         fpo
,         FND_USER                    fu
,         FND_APPLICATION_TL          fa
where    fpot.user_profile_option_name like '&&profile_like'
and      fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and      fpo.profile_option_id    = fpov.profile_option_id
and      fpo.created_by           = fu.user_id
and      fpot.language            = Userenv('Lang')
and      fpov.level_id            = 10002      /* Application Level */
and      fpov.level_value         = fa.application_id
union all
select        lpad(fpo.profile_option_name,55)         pon
,             lpad(fpot.user_profile_option_name,55)   upon
,             fpot.description                          d
,             lpad(fpo.start_date_active,15)           sda
,             lpad(fpo.end_date_active,15)             eda
,             lpad(fpo.creation_date,15)               cd
,             lpad(fu.user_name,20)                    cb
,             'Resp'                                   lo
,             frt.responsibility_name                   lov
,             fpov.profile_option_value                pov
from     FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS_TL      fpot
,        FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS         fpo
,        FND_USER                    fu
,        FND_RESPONSIBILITY_TL          frt
where    fpot.user_profile_option_name like '&&profile_like'
and      fpot.profile_option_name        = fpo.profile_option_name
and      fpo.profile_option_id           = fpov.profile_option_id
and      fpo.created_by                  = fu.user_id
and      frt.language                    = Userenv('Lang')
and      fpot.language                   = Userenv('Lang')
and      fpov.level_id                   = 10003  /* Responsibility Level */
and      fpov.level_value                = frt.responsibility_id
and      fpov.level_value_application_id = frt.application_id
union all
select        lpad(fpo.profile_option_name,55)         pon
,             lpad(fpot.user_profile_option_name,55)   upon
,             fpot.description                          d
,             lpad(fpo.start_date_active,15)           sda
,             lpad(fpo.end_date_active,15)             eda
,             lpad(fpo.creation_date,15)               cd
,             lpad(fu.user_name,20)                    cb
,             'User'                                   lo
,             fu2.user_name                            lov
,             fpov.profile_option_value                pov
from     FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS_TL      fpot
,        FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS         fpo
,        FND_USER                    fu
,        FND_USER                    fu2
where    fpot.user_profile_option_name like '&&profile_like'
and      fpot.profile_option_name = fpo.profile_option_name
and      fpo.profile_option_id    = fpov.profile_option_id
and      fpo.created_by           = fu.user_id
and      fpov.level_id            = 10004      /* User Level */
and      fpov.level_value         = fu2.user_id
and      fpot.language            = Userenv('Lang')
order by upon, lo, lov

undefine profile_like

ttitle off

 - - - - - - - - - - - -  Code ends here  - - - -  - - - - - - - -

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